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On The Chariot With Rob Surman

I often look for my favorite actors on IMDB to keep watch on new projects they are working on. I recently tweeted with Galavant actor, Darren Evans, which led me to see his IMDB profile. On it, I discovered Chariot, which is currently in pre-production, as his most recent credit. After reading the short description, I was immediately drawn to it.

Quick in action, I tweeted Rob Surman (writer, producer, actor and director) asking for an interview. To my delight, he instantly replied: "Absolutely!"


What was your first movie making experience, and how did it change your life?

The comedy short Complimentary Biscuit, which I wrote and co-produced last year. It was a crash course in film-making for everyone involved!

Tell us what Chariot is about.

Chariot is a darkly comic ensemble film, about a hyper-ambitious politician who’ll do anything to win a local election. It looks at the different ways local people are affected by the actions of one man.

What inspired you to create it?

I had long wanted to write a screenplay around great actors I knew, like Robert, Menna, and Darren. But I also wanted to say something about modern Britain, about how our culture is changing and becoming much more materialistic. The David Cross film Hits was a big source inspiration, as was Ben Wheatley’s Down Terrace, and the 2009 film In the Loop.

What does Chariot say about the world we live in?

With the advent of Trump/Brexit, Chariot is an attempt to explore the divergence of values our society now faces. But these events are the culmination of something which has been brewing for decades.

It’s been said that nothing is original anymore, that we keep getting the same stories. How does your film primarily differentiate itself from other work?

I agree that nothing really is original, to an extent. I think what distinguishes stories is something Mark Duplass calls ‘Special Sauce’ - the unique sensibilities that you and your team bring to the storytelling process. Chariot is also very much of South Wales, which is a truly unique place!

After release, will there be a script that viewers can read?


I am a fan of Menna Trussler, Robert Pugh, Darren Evans and Kyle Rees. Which actor/actress cast in Chariot were you most excited about working with?

All of them! Bob Pugh (Game of Thrones) I worked with on my first short film, and he really is an incredible actor. Menna and Darren are comic gold, just the funniest people you’ll ever meet. And Kyle, who plays Bob’s son in the film, is a perfect example of the intense young actors Wales is so good at turning out.

How did you react when learning that they were interested in your project?

Luckily, I was friends with Bob, Darren, and Menna before the film. I met Kyle through Darren, who had worked with Kyle on the Kurt Sutter series The Bastard Executioner. I pitched each of them the idea of writing a film with characters based around them, and I was ecstatic when they said yes.

Do you have a clip I can share with readers?

Not yet unfortunately! But you can check out Robert Pugh (who plays the lead role of Len) in our campaign video. The pub we filmed in will also be used in the main film.

What is most challenging about bringing this script to life?

Ask me again in April when we’ve wrapped. ;)

Movie making is an expensive business. With many investors seeking to have control in the projects they finance, how are you maintaining integrity with Chariot?

Good question! For that very reason, I’ve chosen to go down the crowdfunding route with an Indiegogo campaign: CHARIOT: A Dark Comedy Feature Film

What can fans look forward to seeing from you in future projects?

The plan is to make Chariot the first of a trilogy. The second film will focus on an amateur dramatics society, and the third on British expats living in Italy.


Chariot is even more intriguing after this interview with Rob Surman. Not to mention the amazing cast he's put together. The promotional video alone is witty, and if it's anything to go by, the completed film will not be a disappointment. So let's all kick start this film and donate to the CHARIOT: A Dark Comedy Feature Film campaign on Indiegogo. Bonus: you get amazing perks with your donations! Not only can you get IMDB credit, but you can have the chance to meet the actors and attend the premieres.

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