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Transgender Protection Laws Passed In The Garden State

I'm happy to announce New Jersey schools are to become subject to a variety of protection laws designed to protect all rights of transgender students after the state's Department of Education sent guidelines to schools explaining the best way to follow a law from 2017 that reinforces protections for its students. New Jersey's Department of Education is currently working closely with various the governor’s administration and stakeholders to finalize the guidance that should be active by 2018/2019. After a period of considerable struggle, these new protection laws represent a substantial step forward for the rights of students who identify as transgender.

The Contents of New Guidelines

How schools should handle controversial issues related to bathrooms, names, and disclosure about student’s gender identity will be settled by these new regulations. This guidance comes at a time when many schools are uncertain about how best to handle situations involving transgender students. Some of the established guidelines include the following:

School districts must accept a student’s gender identity regardless of whether parental consent or notification is obtained.

School districts must use a student’s preferred name and pronoun which involves printing the name on school documents and keeping records about the student’s birth name and gender in a separate confidential file.

Students must be allowed to dress in a way that conforms to their gender identity.

Students must be granted access to bathrooms, gym glasses, locker room, and other areas that match the student’s chosen gender identity.

All students must have access to a private or unisex bathroom facility.

Previous New Jersey Transgender Law

In 2017, Governor Christie considered signing a law that is designed to replace federal guidance on transgender rights that were acknowledged by the great President Obama and later rescinded under the Trump administration. This law addressed many of the most challenging issues faced by transgender students, but was never signed. As a result, there aren't currently any federal rules regarding how best to handle transgender students and their use of restrooms on school property.

More recently in May 2018, lawmakers sent transgender bill rights to Gov. Phil Murphy. The bill was expected to be signed by Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat who promised to sign bills promoting LGBT equality during his gubernatorial campaign.“This package of bills will certainly solidify New Jersey’s place as a leader in transgender civil rights,” Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D) told lawmakers before the vote. “Antiquated policies and attitudes towards transgender individuals have led to discrimination, violence, depression and suicide.”

Response to the New Protection Laws

New Jersey became the 11th state in the country to provide guidance on how transgender students should be treated. These protection laws will likely work towards creating a safe and successful environment for an increased number of students. The Garden State Equality Organization, and many other groups included, have hailed this measure as a substantial advancement in the just rights of LGBTQ students. States have been left to determine whether they should create their own individual policies at the risk that these measures might one day be overridden by federal law. (Or more specifically, by the current residing President and supporting party of said president.)

Following the Development of Transgender Rights

In recent years, there have been several highly covered issues concerning transgender individuals. Most noticeably, debate has occurred surrounding various “bathroom bills that keep transgender individuals out of bathrooms that do not match their biologically assigned sex.” Advocates (including myself) have spoken out that this regulation will hopefully create a more accepting environment that will lead other states to pass similar regulations.

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